Friday, March 27, 2009


It is so refreshing to see everyone out after what seemed like a never ending Winter, yes I know, it has been rainy but, at least the temperatures are on the rise. People out walking and best of all seeing the kids out playing and riding scooters. We have finished the mulching at Starview and the smell of Spring is everywhere, we would love to see you out and about too so if you get a chance stop by and say "Hi", we'll be right here!

Monday, March 23, 2009

It's Spring!

Yeah! It's Spring! The birds are out, the sun is shining and the trees and flowers are beginning to bloom. The properties are looking great. We are starting our landscaping, so if you get a chance come by and check it out and maybe while you are here you can take a look at one of our available apartments, we would love to have you here with us! We are offering some good deals, hope to see you soon.